Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pretty Cool Short Sci-Fi Film.......R'Ha....

 This "kid" is only 22 years old..... 

Just two weeks ago, Kaleb Lechowski popped up on the Internet radar everywhere (that is important to filmmaking) with his short film R’ha. Set on an alien planet where the machines built to serve the residents of the planet revolt and begin to destroy their creators. As usually happens in stories like this, some of the residents escape. So the scene that plays out in this intense, vividly detailed, and stunningly animated short is an interrogation sequence.
As we hurtle towards the stunning conclusion of this short it is hard not to feel respect for the army of animators, colorists, sound designers and technicians who made this film possible. So imagine mine (and the film world’s) surprise when it was discovered that Mr. Lechowski did all the animating work himself. Over seven months. In fact he is still studying.
So check out his short film here and then scroll on downwards to read an interview with the filmmaker. 


R´ha [short movie] from Kaleb Lechowski on Vimeo.


  1. A-HA!
    Wait, this isn't The Three Stooges?



  2. Was just a bit predictable, but the animation was incredible. I'd watch more from this guy, certainly!


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