Friday, November 9, 2012

Sandy's DEstruction, From Above....


  1. I think the word you are looking for is DESTRUCTION......

    1. Thanks Tom... Mrs. Kennefick would be mad at me too. ;)

  2. Does the heart good to see the outpouring of support from the global community. Oh, wait. I must have been thinking of some other calamity, not in th US.

  3. Hey!
    Didn't they all vote for Mr. "the Oceans will recede"?...or something?

    Fck them- let them enjoy the SUCK they voted on everyone else.

  4. Noone should build on a barrier island. This (the destruction)is the result, eventually.

    But people will rebuild in the same way, in the same place.

    And then be amazed when it happens again.

    1. I remember the San Padre Islands in Texas in the gulf ... same thing .... I don't think they build there anymore either.

  5. Yep, it's the same thing out here in Kaliforniastan. People won't clear the brush around their homes because they think it looks "rustic", and the Mother Nature comes along and clears it for them with a wildfire.
    The house is the casualty.
    And it happens in Malibu, too. People build right on the beach 'cuz it's sooo kewl, and then we get clobbered with a really big storm, and there goes the house.
    Years ago I heard a quote by someone with more money than brains, and he said "We knew the storm was bad when we saw the hot tub floating out to sea".
    And it's people like US who have to pay higher insurance rates because these dunderheads build where they shouldn't!

  6. Wow? you know god????


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