Friday, November 2, 2012


I can't wait for this step to be over.

Shared from "Blue's Blog"


  1. John you might want to prepare yourself it may not go the way you want ...Life sometimes doesnt always happen the way we palnned or want as you well know so dont go getting ur hopes up to be let down cause it SUCKS!!! W

    1. I am prepared mentally just in case. But no lie, if he wins it will be devastating for the country. Our country is almost gone as it is.

  2. I "Hope" so too. Snatched and posted. Ain't nothing wrong with a positive post to nudge at the Power of Attraction in a better light. Sometimes a person thinks so much about what they don't want they end up ass deep in it :/

  3. Miss K cant agree with you more !! Alot of times things are way over thought and end up really shitty ...W

  4. stolen and reposted. good one!

  5. You are miscounting.

    1. After the election, the obama administration will still be in power for another two months. When you already think you are above the law and don'e recognize any limits on your authority, you can do a lot of damage. There is a lot of freedom when you know you are going to get fired anyway. We will see the real Obama emerge. Lots and lots of shenanigans that will be difficult and costly to undo. Lots of terrorists pardoned. Lots of illegal aliens granted fiat amnesty. Lots of things looted one last time for "traveling money".

    2. After the new administration takes office, there will still be the liberal faction of republicans to deal with. You don't really think they will all stand together to repeal obamacare do you? Of course the few who cross over will have really good sounding reasons for doing it and they will be close enough to retiring that they don't care about the NEXT election.

    1. Good point, if Barry loses he could pull a Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos on us.


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