Wednesday, September 12, 2012

One of My Readers Decides to Unload Both Barrels

For once in his entire life upon this planet, I wish Obama would grow a set of effen balls except sucking on them. I am so tired of this traitor and what we have allowed to happen to this country. I am tired of the House and Senate giving him a free pass. I am outraged by the press. I am sickened to see what my beloved county has turned into - a third world nation. I am disgusted by my blind fellow 'gimmie' citizens. I am just so damn tired of all the shit. Where is the backbone of this country? My God, our nation is about to die and no one gives a damn. Talk, talk, talk that's all everybody does. No one in Washington that can make a difference wants to take a stand - it might offend someone. Who in Washington has what it takes to make us good again? Hello? Anybody? What does the average person do? Do we have to march by the millions on Washington? Tar and feather the bunch? What? The world is laughing and gloating and we still do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except watch our liberties and our Constitution be taken away day after day after day. What are we going to leave our children? A broken, sad, poor place that was once the greatest country on earth. May God forgive us.


  1. Dang Irish,

    That was a serious post...and very good one too. When I saw the header for the post the first thing I thought of was boobs.

  2. Well, the only thing I can add is...

    1. Posted at 11 with your name written all over it :)

  3. I just noticed that you are in your own blogroll...

    I'm not quite sure how to react to that....more Jameson...ponder.

    1. Try Kettle One it explains things better.. ;)


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