Friday, July 27, 2012

CAIR Confronts Allen West...Guess Who Wins?

Congressman Allen West vs. Nezar Hamze.    

Allen West is a Congressman from Florida.
Mr. Hamze waded into this discussion with congressman West in attack mode with typical Muslim misinformed bravado.
Do you know any politician who has the background and guts who could have handled Nezar better?
You can just see it, Hamze thought he would be dealing with a another typical American "P.C." a pantywaist politician who panders to anyone and any cause to get votes.
He made one BIG mistake:  he walked into the perfect ambush and was unable to withdraw.

This is the description of the video:

This is just my personal attempt to provide subtitles for this wonderful confrontation. Haha. The subtitles are not perfect, I admit. I really have a hard time trying to identify what was said during the loud cheering and clapping. Please provide your input to help me improve the subtitles. Then, if the subtitles are improved, I can upload the new video with the improved subtitles later on. Otherwise, just enjoy what we have now and cheers. =)



  1. If Romney had any balls at all Allen West would be the next republican party VP choice.
    Sadly it doesn't fit into TPTB's plan

  2. With West leading I'd charge Hell with a leaky canteen cup of water!

  3. Outstanding! That's the way to treat these people - with the contempt they deserve.

    What many of them don't realise is that WE'VE READ THEIR HOLY BOOK!

    And in the European context, some of us are aware of the battles mentioned by Allen West in this exchange. Might I add to that the great siege of Malta in 1565 - I've travelled to Malta and seen St. Elmo's Fort. I've visited St. Paul's Bay. I've walked where the armies of Islam laid siege to the Knights of St. John - I've seen where they decapitated and then crucified the bodies of the Knights in St. Elmo's Fort and sent them floating across the Grand Harbour to their brothers.

    No Muslim has ever addressed the following question: What exactly were the armies of Islam doing at Tours, at Malta, at Lepanto, at Vienna?

    Those were defensive engagements on our part - because Islam, true to form, was trying to invade non-Muslim lands and spread their so-called religion at the point of the sword.

    A religion of peace? Hardly.

  4. If anyone wants to know more about the siege of Malta in 1565, here's a pretty good video.

  5. I've got a full on man crush going on here.....

  6. Isn't he wonderful? We have a defender in Congress - we have a number of them - and they get crucified regularly by the boys in charge. RINOs sure aren't men. I'm not even certain they're vertebrates. Demoncrat enablers? Yeah.

    I'm proud to say that in Vienna today, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolf is doing her part to get a little sunshine onto the truth - for which she has paid plenty, financially and emotionally- in order to keep that glimmer alive.

    She told me the other day that the Foreign Minister says they need MORE muslim immigrants.

    She and my husband (admin for Gates of Vienna blog) met with Rep West when they were in D.C. for the ACT! for America conference. She is the Austrian chapter head. There is one in France, one in Canada.

    We need one in Ireland...hint


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