Monday, November 14, 2011

...since he woke from a nap just after 1 p.m. April 8....

He is facing 105 years in jail.....

 David Sturdivant has lost his liberty, a kidney, his home, his business and all his belongings.

There are soooo many things wrong in our society..gangbangers do this shit day and night and nothing is done.. This guy fires one shot to protect his property and then loses everything??  

Everything is bassackwards...... 

UPDATE: ( after I googled his name)

I did a little more digging and it appears the "CHARGES HAVE BEEN DROPPED" 

I am still posting the story to show how much this guy has gone thru .....

Found at "thejawareport"


  1. Anymore you are guilty until proven innocent if you are presumed to be on the "Right".

  2. @ Scott..its unreal that that dirtbags seem to have more rights than the victims in todays world.

    @ Brock.. Thanks :)


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