Saturday, July 30, 2022

That's Still a Bargain.....





  Two of those "bad larrys"... nom nom nom......

and later that afternoon.....





The Line.. With "Equitable Views"..


 Looks like the start to a dystopian movie...

 I wonder how long it will take to pay off all the raw materials gathered, processed and shipped to the site.





 Meanwhile, partway through the project with shoddy workmanship, subpar materials, corruption

and kickbacks.....


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

“Big Roy”: A 1972 Allis-Chalmers HD-41 Dozer


 At one time, the Allis-Chalmers HD-41 was the world’s largest bulldozer. In this video, members of the Lowcountry Antique Tractor and Engine Association operate a 1972 HD-41 named “Big Roy.” The dozer was saved by Roy Ashley and again by Frank Burke of Walterboro, South Carolina, who named the dozer after his friend Roy Ashley after he passed away. Burke donated the dozer to the tractor club. The club brings out the HD-41 each April and October for its antique tractor pulls on its grounds in Adams Run, South Carolina. 

Lots of storys about restored antique equipment  HERE <<<   


Check out this one:

The unusual part was that the steam shovel was about 25 feet under water and hadn’t been seen on dry land in 70 years.







 h/t to David.


Memes To Share... Clearing Up The Folders.


 Some you may have seen, some not.  YMMV. Enjoy at your own risk.

Monday, July 25, 2022

"Samson".... Enjoy this story... UPDATED with crash info from 1951


 Don't read the comments on the youtube video if you want to enjoy being drawn in to

this 13 minute story/video.  Watch the whole thing.. An amazing story when

you get to the reveal at the end.  Enjoy....







 The plane was a Douglas AD-1Q Skyraider

Check out this link I found this morning <<<<< 






Sunday, July 24, 2022

What if Nothing Happens?

 Last night I was scrolling the webz and came across a clip from 10 years ago. Here

the media "actually" did their job although it was shut down and obviously "nothing happened"

Check this out:


 Which leads me to this:

I know I have referred to this a few times in the past. This graphic was posted in January of 2018

What can we add to the list since then? In the fifth paragraph Taxihack listed some obvious crimes

that should have been investigated but, nothing happened.

Just over four and a half years has gone by. Adding to the list will make all the incrementalism

more apparent? No?

 Quickly off the top of my head:


Las Vegas Shooting

Ed Buck

Hunter Biden



Bill Gates


Covid -Fauci

Election tally being halted

2000 mules documentary

January 6th

The fake dossier on Trump

Pelosi DUI

Pelosi insider trading


Add more in the comments.