Monday, November 14, 2022

World War 3

How might it begin? How will it be fought and by whom? How will it end? What will be the aftermath?



  1. World War III has been going on for years now. It's just not conventional.

  2. Past time to schedule more range time and stockpile ammunition in military calibers.

  3. "I do not know what weapons world war 3 will be fought with, but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."

  4. Everyone expects the next big war to be similar to the last one, but it typically isn’t the same. Perhaps this war isn’t between nation states, but is a global civil war between the elites and the people, and it’s being fought with information, cyber, and biological warfare?

  5. I am afraid it will be between neighbors, frieinds and family. Everyone in your phone.

    1. This is what I think is coming as well.
      We have seen the covidiots we are related to and/or close to go off the deep end over a cough.
      We have seen them go off over men being women and men being men.
      We have seen them go off over children being groomed.
      We have seen them go off over orange man bad.
      We have seen them go off because it is Thursday.

      They will do as they are told and help authorities locate us, disarm us and enslave us.

  6. well, Road Warrior was supposed to be about now wasn't it? same with Soylent Green.

    why do I think this should be some sort of venn diagram?

    1. Good idea on the Venn Diagram. I added one this morning. Irish

  7. well, once they get a nice deep frost in Ukraine, things should get interesting.

  8. No matter what it looks like that special place in hell will overflow.

    Bear Claw

  9. They know that gun confiscation is a third rail trigger. I do not think they will touch off the powder keg with announcing that plan. It is a plan that is on the table just waiting for the open hostilities to start, just not while we are in the psyop war phase of WWIII. IMO
    What will trip the party to start? As Charlie listed above, they have tried to provoke the good people to react and we have refrained, keeping our powder dry for when they are the most vulnerable.
    We will see soon enough.

    1. ...And it won't be much longer, now.

  10. Most people think they are on the good side, but most of them ain't.

  11. I sooo need a colander mask.


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