Monday, August 29, 2022

Are You Starting To See This?..


 This comment, that I grabbed a screenshot of, says a lot. 

I have seen some of the rhetoric back and forth and experienced it over the weekend.

One person I was talking to was all in on DeSantis and hoped Trump wouldn't run.

No one, at least for now, is pushing the RINO segment of the triad.


Thoughts on this statement? Who is behind the fracturing?

Can't we all just get along on the right side of the aisle?







  1. well, the way I see this shit show. trump scares the shit out of them. he is already rich and has bein his whole life so it nothing new to him. team rino was to keep the grift going to get and stay rich- think of all the aid money we sent all over the damn world and it still looks like shit out there= it not helping the people, it going to some asshole bank account.
    team desantis has me a bit worried, he started out great and might stay that way. BUT. if the RNC has their way he will just play ball - keep the grift going while making noise like that asshole graham does all the time.
    ask graham about uke land, he has gone there a lot of times with john shit stain= he up to his eyes in the grift.
    but what do I know ?
    for all I know the RNC has a plan for this to lose to the demorats by splitting up the voters so not one of them get a winning
    amount of votes= they keep the grift going
    my take away is they going to keep printing "money" until it becomes worthless. all the while stealing as much as they can
    and putting the "money" into hard assets they can trade later for sound money or something.
    these days I glad I blew my 401k on medical bills and shit. the idea of years of work becoming worthless by these asshole
    would piss me off to no end. I keep enough 'money" in the bank to pay bills and no more anymore
    what little is left over goes into food that goes on the shelf.

    1. Interesting concept, but the peasants . . eh? There will be a tipping point. How can we get together, and eliminate this scourge on our Republic. We need to rise up.

    2. desantis started out a little wobbly (re: climate), got much better and seemed to realize like DJT that they weren't going to play nice and that he'd better he couldn't do what worked in the past --ignoring (a la Reagan) but needed to fight back (a la DJT).

  2. The only infighting is with the Whigs. They'll have to decide how much they'll stay bought.

  3. As the enemy might say "Successful Psyops".

    Keep them fighting among themselves and they lose it all.

    No political creature is honorable. None keep their campaign promises unless pressed by those that paid their way into power.

    They are not afraid of a "Donner" who screams nastiness at his police co-workers and has NO PLAN and dies in an all-hands-on deck week of chaos.

    They are Terrified of a V for Vendetta mass movement. Thus, their Psyops to keep us divided.

    Irish Democracy, the stubborn we will not comply subtle "accidents" that prevent their success.

    1. Well put and probably very accurate.

  4. I think "Team D" is concerned about Trump's admitted habit of putting his foot in his mouth at times, and also Trump's support of "Operation Warp Speed"... Team T is all enthusiastic for the Revenge Tour. And team RINO just wants to keep feeding at the fedgov trough and keep their standing invites to the "beautiful people" cocktail parties.

    The thing that concerns me is the purity standard. For so many, esp. on Gab, one is either 100% in on EVERYTHING or one is a traitor to the cause.

    E.g., I'm as conservative as they come. But because I'm not just not Christian, I'm Jewish, I get attacked - though to be fair I've had some defenders too (Gab). To quote Reagan "The person who agrees with you 80% of the time is your ally, not your 20% enemy."

  5. The GOP is NOT the opposition to the Demonrats. They are COCONSPIRATORS. They prefer to lose most elections so they are NOT in charge and can thus claim "it's not our fault"....while they rake in the dough.

  6. That's why we have primaries. However unless you want the D's to skew the process in their favor, get rid of open primaries.

  7. The conservative voters have really stepped up in the primary voting. Usually the party bosses set the stage and the voter is just like the democrat and has to vote for their choice not the peoples. That is the glimmer of hope I see moving forward. All the anti Trump rhetoric is coming from the left and the weak ones mouthing what they say in a light way to just get along.
    I want Trump since I live in Florida! I see a immediate future where we will have States becoming more apt to assert their power through militias and the guard to protect the sovereignty from a over reaching and criminal Fed.

  8. Idiots. DeSantis is still young. Have him run after Trump gets in and finishes what he started. I figure Trump is really going to go after these fuckers and clean house, totally. I don't think anyone could blame him either. I would thank him for it.

    1. There's more to it than that. We need, DeSantis needs, Trump 2024, the revenge tour. We NEED Trump in there for four years killing off as much Deep State as he can so a guy like DeSantis can serve eight years without constantly being set up.
      I think the idea of the three way split was a lot more legit before the FBI decided to raid Melania under wear drawer. The people I know that were leaning towards DeSantis have all fallen back in line behind Trump after that Vajayjay Garland authorized this raid.

    2. Yes, THIS!^^^^^^^^^^^ Nemo

    3. I think you need Trump as President and De Santis as Vice. The Dynamic Duo and together it is almost a guaranteed win and they are not worried about calling any Rino out. Then review who was working in the best interests of the US and was loyal. Then pull the plug on crooks..CCP and Ukrainian cash cow traitors ..then repeal that they ALL can be audited like every other citizen..

    4. Can't happen. They are both residents of the same state which prevents them from running on the same presidential ticket. Right now he's looking hard at Elise Stefanik. She's pretty no shit. Just like him. But a lot will change.

    5. Gotta love Trump Unchained as POTUS, with Ron DeSantis as a model Governor partnering with Trump and about 30 other Governors in a 10th Amendment revival. In 2028 DeSantis can step from leading Florida to leader the U.S.(after rallying the nation to repeal the 17th amendment)

    6. ^B_Rad, unless I missed ot on another comment, which I did read through, I think Trump can move to Bedminster in enough time to jave NJ be his home state if he wanted DeSantis as VP.

  9. IMHO, no matter what party takes "charge", they will be blamed for the imminent collapse.

  10. All politics are dead.

    1. Naw, just the voting part... oh, and the rule of law... and the "social contract"... lessee.. did I leave anything out?

  11. Over 90% of the people that switched or registered to vote for the first time in the Wyoming Republican primary voted for Cheney.
    The Uniparty will maintain their power at all costs. Even if Trump runs and wins they'll just work against him like they did before. I don't think he should run. It won't change anything, it'll just slow down the inevitable.
    We have an illegitimate government that needs to be completely purged. Most of the Federal apparatus is blatently unconstitutional. Nothing else will work to save this country.

  12. Divide and conquer. It's nothing new. We must put Trump back in office. Yes, he made some mistakes but why put someone in who has to "learn the ropes" to the nations detriment? It just doesn't make sense.

  13. 1) Barring a medical catastrophe, Trump is going to run. And get the nomination, in a walkaway landslide. Anybody who tries to buck that tiger will be in oblivion for the rest of their short political career.
    2) 99:1 he picks DeSantis as his running mate.
    3) The RINOs and the 5% of the base (that would be the Chamber of Commerce idjits who keep sending Bitch McConjob, Lindsay Grahamnesty, and Marco ScrewYoubio back to DC) which wants them will bitch, whine, moan and piss themselves about being on the outside of party leadership for another 12 years.
    4) Whether the Democommunists manage to steal another election or not is going to determine how fast things go hot in both directions on the shooting range. Magic 8 Ball is hazy on that answer.

    1. There are other catastrophies potential to inhibit a "run", or a[n] "[s]election" for that matter..... martial law due to nuclear war, mass rioting, canibalism, invasion, widespread urban "kinetic exchange"... quite a few actually...

    2. Nothing short of his own death or the universe exploding is going to stop Trump from running.
      Next question.

    3. 99-1 you're dead wrong about DeSantis as veep.

    4. Fido left out zombie apocalypse. I'm worried that Trump will get his wish and will be named the rightfully elected president of the 2020 election, but only be able to serve the remaining few months after the hoopla dies down. THAT would guarantee he not be able to run in 2024 due to the 22nd amendment.

  14. Uniparty. It's all by design. As hard as it is to give up on it the stories, and comments are all related to voting.

    They already know they can cheat and nothing will happen. Let them win so the shit show can start sooner so we can finish it.

  15. Team DeSantis = Team RINO. Or at least the GOP's choice. Lots of good analysis on this at conservative treehouse.

  16. Why would people in power over the Common People give the people a system which would allow them to install, modify, control, and replace people in power? That would be silly, just ask anyone in power ;-)

    One might say it isn't "Freedom of Choice" but rather the "Freedom of the Illusion of Choice" :-(

    At least the political system we currently enjoy - multiple choices, usually among various degrees of bad ones - is better than, say, organized religion - accept us or burn in h3ll for an eternity. Sigh.

    1. As Mark Twain said "if voting actually worked, they wouldn't let you do it".

    2. Just like Lincoln said "Never trust what you read on the internet."

  17. Guess we'll see how the primaries play out, but my own gut impression (and nothing more than that) is that if Trump looks like he has the energy behind him, I suspect that DeSantis will drop out and continue in Florida (probably specifically avoiding taking a position in the Trump administration). Phil is right: DeSantis is still young, and he seems politically intelligent enough to surmise that he'd be better off bidding his time rather than getting into a brawl with Trump for the nomination. But eh - who knows? Still early.

    Haven't seen much RINO support yet, at least not among actual voters - sure, among the chatterbox RINOs, they seem to be wanting someone like that...but let's be real, that's who they always want anyway...


  18. I get skewered for this (and that's ok) but I'm a strong believer in the idea that we should fight ideology in the primaries, and vote the party in the general. Fight for "our" conservative in the primary and then push for whoever was the primary winner in the general. That's what the democrats do and, while conservatives are angrily fighting among themselves all the way past the general election, democrats keep getting voted in.

  19. I think I'd rather see De Santis, but if Trump's the nominee? Vote there.

    There are a LOT of asshats in DC(in particular) who'd rather be the Permanent Minority Party, and either of those two scare hell out of them. Only answer I can see for that is to- for the elected PMPs- get them out of office.

  20. I think it has been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the UniParty is not really in control and that the army of unelected bureaucrats that make up the deep state are really in control. I had pretty much given up voting after putting up with the Bush crime family and then the great conservative leaders like McCain & Romney. I came back out and voted for Trump because he seemed to be a big F-You to the entire uniparty and besides the alternative was Shillary. I voted for him the second time to try to keep the Biden crime family out of the White House.

    This time around Trump is damaged goods. Not from anything the deep state has thrown at him but because of his own lack of judgement in his appointments and who he trusted as well as his endless push for the not-a-vaxx. Still Trump is from the Queens where if you hit me I'll hit you back twice as hard. Hopefully he has learned something and is really ready to take on the Deep State the Chicago Way.

    Assuming that we get to an election in 2024 which is extremely doubtful and Trump runs then I will throw my vote his way. DeSantis needs to keep Florida in play. There is no voting our way out of this mess. Believing that is what has allowed the progs to take total control. Playing nice and being willing to compromise has been the downfall of "conservatism" as we have known it. It is not compromise when only one side continually concedes ground.

    As they say you can vote your way into socialism, but you have yo fight your way out. I hope Trump is ready to take a blood oath and then follow through. It's the Chicago Way.


    1. "We're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics," - Joe Biden, 25-OCT-2020

      Everyone thought he misspoke or was kidding. He even told us it was Obama got elected TWICE.

      Look where we are now. We've got a provable traitor in the WH, A guy who is taking payola from the Chinese, that the DOJ, the rest of the Deep State and CONgress is protecting to keep their own grift going.

      Now, they're going to sick the IRS and the ATF on us. Had enough yet?

      There's only one way this gets fixed, hemp parties and the cartridge box.

      A bunch of folks rebelled against this kind of bullshit in 1776. It's time we took that history lesson to heart and action.

      If you haven't read "Unintended Consequences" by now, please do so.

      I know most of us are preaching to the choir, each other. How do we get more converts? I'm out of ideas. It's going to take more than III% this time.


  21. Let it play out. A great deal is going to change in the next year, a severe recession in the US, watching Europe freeze this winter, perhaps the collapse of the Euro, the disintegration of the IS dollar as the sole reserve currency, perhaps million of excess deaths from the civid jab, etc. The world is going to look a lot different by 2024. Be patient. Be grateful for what you have now.

    “We will not solve our problem by electing the right people. We will only solve our problem by making it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing.” — Milton Friedman.

  22. the left is very, very good at divide and conquer. focus on the local races. that's where the real battles are, and we can win them.

  23. I follow dad29 and I absolutely love his blog spot

    Trumps platform is great in the man has good instincts But not so good that he can prevent people who stabbed him in the back

    Desantis looks great from what we read in the press, but when you look who is backing DeSantis it doesn’t smell quite right

    Here read this post

    .......,,,,,It's a McConnell/Kristol/Warmonger production.

    Want to know how DeSantis will turn out?

    Just look at 'Junior McCain'/Crenshaw and Cruz. Cruz had the same bunch pushing him (remember Sykes up here, who is snugged right up to Kristol's butt), although Cruz doesn't openly despise the Second Amendment.

    Anything to prevent the disruption of their cozy little nests in D.C..........

    1. Last time around Trump listened to people he originally thought were on his side. Grande Old Party right? We're all on the same team. Well apparently not. He mistakenly shed himself of people that help get him there and hung onto Globalist scum. And that's the common denominator right there no matter if you have a D or an R behind your name. Trumps not a stupid man. Ron DeSantis said himself, "The election was stolen from Trump. If he wants to run again to set things straight I'm staying out of the race" Trump 2024 the Revenge Tour. Kinda catchy.
      I'm not buying into this crap about DeSantis being a RINO until he actually does something a RINO would do. So far I haven't seen anything close to that.
      DeSantis can't run as Trumps VP as they're both residents of the same state. Trump 2024, DeSantis 2028 for 8.

  24. I live in a very red state, I've heard "conservatives" talk about (hopefully) Trump not running, and they don't know if they can vote for him again. They're fools, it's exactly what the liberals want. It doesn't matter if you don't "like" Trump, or his mean tweets, what does matter is everything he does, is good for the country. Period.
    - DeSantis is young and the VP job is a dead end job, he should NOT be Trumps VP
    - Trump is the only candidate that can not only promise the return of a great economy, but has already done it.
    - Trump should know where the deep state pockets are now, making it easier to eliminate them.
    - Trump needs to stop talking about 2020 and the stolen election - the only thing that matters is NOW
    - The liberals have the playbook now to steal elections, and they'll try to do it again, the Republican Party better be ready.
    - The Republican Party better be ready to govern, have a plan, and implement that plan.

  25. trump is still the president. desantis is not independently wealthy so ZIOs/RINOs are all over him trying to make him the new 2014-16 cruz. several articles here -

  26. also - shempiro!

  27. Sadly this is not new. This fracturing of the republican party is what defeats us, more than democrats. People get so stuck on 'their' candidate, that they refuse to vote for anyone else. Not democrats - they know how to unite behind one person.
    Unless and until Republicans can get over themselves, we will lose to cheating, or to each other. Very sad.

  28. Well, we have to use our heads here. Ideally, Trump in '24 followed by DeSantis twice '28 and '32 is great. DeSantis has said if Trump runs he will wait I believe. This is an election that we MUST win, this nation will be unrecognizable if the next decade if the Dems get this one. Trump has greater liabilities than DeSantis, and I believe DeSantis has a better shot to win, and I believe the left fears DeSantis more than Trump. Perhaps the Mar-a-Lago BS was to ensure Trump runs.
    So, my first instinct is to think DeSantis is the best option, Then Trump. But, we cannot adopt a take our ball and go home attitude. Another Democrat? HELL NO!

    1. Do you live in Florida? I live in Northern California. They are still flying Trump flags in the back of pick up trucks here. Have not seen one single DeSantis flag. Hopefully you catch my drift.

    2. I'm in Brooklyn NY; I see "Dump Biden" graffiti scrawled on lamposts, FJB stickers on cars & trucks. Not many, but still, a positive sign.

  29. I voted for Trump twice. I will not do so a third time. In 2024 he will be too old to take on the role of POTUS. I also don't want another four years of absolute chaos from the left, from the media, from the intelligence community and ZERO support from the feckless Republicans. What I really want him to do is keep teasing his run until after to mid-terms and maybe a little beyond to "draw the lightning" from the left and the media, then drop out of any consideration. He's a formidable force that will draw a laser focus from them all then reform to fight the next possible candidate. There are too many very good, very viable Republican candidates.

    1. They’ve beaten you my friend. Trump deserves your 3rd vote. Do what’s right and stay in the fight.

    2. I agree with Anonymous. The people saying they're not voting a third time (and link in because Trump'll keep getting attacked by the left and the media as the reason), the left beat them into submission. We've got to stand up against the left, and that includes their fearmongering.

    3. if you let the actions of your (ideological) enemy determine your actions -- then you've ceded the battlefield to them. Don't let their endless attacks on Reagan/Bush/Trump/Pick your next republican candidate think that it will be any different for anyone else. Let Trump be Trump. Keep the conservative policies, get the economy growing again, shut down the expert recessionists (Fauci, et al) and let the chips fall where they may.

  30. no there arent, paco. most cant deal with the goperrino money faction. / desantis never has stood up to israel in any way either doug.

  31. My guess is that if the progs lose control of both the house and senate this fall then there will be no 2024 election. When faced with losing it all just when they thought they were within reach of the brass ring they will burn it all down before they are faced with defeat. Fine with me at this point because like I said there is no voting our way out of this mess and 2020 should have put that to rest once and for all. If they once again pull the stuff the ballot box routine and 'we the people" do not rise up then we deserve what comes next. I am not sure that the republic at this point can be restored. Sometimes you don't fight to win, you just fight to survive and hope to be part of the remnant to rebuild once the smoke clears.


    1. It's not that bad. The progs can always rely on a handful of "republicans" to vote with them when needed. Republican party will just have to do rock-paper-scissors to pick who takes one for the team on each vote. No no point in burning it down.

  32. DeSantis is a politician. He will manage the mess until it is worse than when he found it - on all fronts. He knows what he’s doing - he will need a big check to step aside - he is our Bernie Sanders. Trump will have to choose him as his running mate - they will win. But, make no mistake, DeSantis is part of the problem. He should have had DJT’s back during/after the raid. What did he do with the illegals in his state? he shipped them even further into the USA. He will slip right in with the Rinos.

  33. Vote?
    By all means, keep voting.
    I know that I certainly will.
    With that in mind, know that your vote means nothing to those who count it.
    I've been paying attention for the last 40 years.
    Have you?

  34. I would like to see it DeSantis /Trump. Trump is only good for four more, while in office he is the attack dog freeing DeSantis to do the figurehead stuff. Trumps retires after four years of crushing the deep state, DeSantis wins and ushers in the next VP who would be eligible for eight. They'd have to campaign against a vice presidential candidate. Rank n file voters don't care about VP, they see the job as place filler. ...just a whim of a thought as (like others) I don't think voting is going be effective.

  35. Watch this and tell me that voting will fix anything:

  36. Way too soon to take that agitprop seriously. Otherwise, my dream team is
    POTUS - Ron DeSantis
    VPOTUS - Jim Jordan
    SOTH - DJ Trump

  37. This certainly isn't new. Trump ran as an outsider alternative to the same old establishment republicans. He failed as a president because he then had to import those same defeated republicans to staff his administration, men who would be inherently disloyal to him. Desantis is not a separate team. He is just the same old Republican pretending to be Trump to get support from the Trump base. There are no other Trumps. If Trump wins again, he still fails because there is still no Trump party of savvy political professionals who can staff his administration. He will still need to resort to the backstabbing establishment who will undermine him at every turn. Thus, he will fail a second time too. If he runs, I will still vote for him because a failing Trump is still better than a successful Bush-Romney-McCain-DeSantis.


    1. "Failed as a President". WOW. If not for Trump we would have no idea of the level of corruption, the swamp, and the deep state in this country. We all suspected, but had no idea the magnitude. For that reason alone I think you would need to consider his time in office a huge success. Not to mention the best economic, foreign, and domestic policies of any president. China's economy is on it's death bed now because of Trump. Trump didn't fail, he got submarined.

  38. We need more Trump even if he is old

    .....,,.Texas judge overrules ban on 18-to-20-year-olds carrying handguns because they were 'part of the militia in the founding era.'"

    For 111 years (1792-1903) federal law required men to own a rifle or musket at age 18 to defend the country.

    A Trump judge made the call......

  39. I'm not seeing a division at all. If anything, the raid on Mar-a-Lago galvanized Conservatives/Republicans and even Independents behind Trump. If there's a re-match with Biden or Hillary, and the electron is reasonably honest, I expect Trump to win in a walk. The fact is they wouldn't be nearly as terrified of Trump if Joe actually got 81 million votes.

    It being his second term, he needs to thing about a successor. Pence is a swamp creature and a non-starter. DeSantis would be a natural, and I think that would be a very tough ticket for the Dems to beat.

    The talk of the establishment backing a Cheney or Pence run for president is a joke. She'll be out faster than you can say 'Kamala". No one on the right will vote for them but swamp dwellers and disaffected Democrats.

  40. Voting for DeSantis will split the vote, this is what the dems are shooting for. Elect Trump in 2024 then DeSanctis........

  41. Unless Trump owns up to the death jabs, everyone needs to get behind DeSantis. Millions of dead trumps everything else.

    1. You stupid effer, Trump plainly said if you don’t want the jab, don’t get it. He encouraged free choice on the matter. I’ll vote for Trump and no one else. DeSantis needs to stay in his lane and run for governor of Florida again, get elected, then run for Pres in 2028 after Trumps term is up. You rino bastids are going to screw this whole thing up and hand the dims a victory, but as a consolation, your dumb ass will be in as much pain as the rest of us if the pp’s (pedophile promoters) win again.


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