Tuesday, March 7, 2017

This Guy Is Nuts.. updated video .

The helmet is a nice touch, but at the speed of terminal velocity it is only for looks.


  1. Well, I didn't get to watch it. As soon as I opened it two popups appeared on the screen. I was able to eliminate one but not the other. Spent my time trying to remove it while listening to what I couldn't see. Finally just closed it. I don't understand why someone would make a video they want you to see and then put up popups to prevent you from seeing it. One of life's mysteries.

    1. No pop ups on the new video posted.

    2. Thanks. Didn't mean to sound all whiny but I really do wonder why so many youtube videos do this. It's a real turn off, literally.

    3. No problem at all. I agree with you. Thanks for stopping by :-)

  2. Yup, nuts.
    But he pulled it off....

    1. Did you find any ribs yet?

    2. Not like those, I haven't!
      I should actually take that pic around to some butchers!
      Just thinking of that pic has my mouth watering again. One of the finest food pics I've ever seen.

  3. That fucker has a death wish, and his wife is either nuts or has one helluva insurance policy on him.

  4. He's actually NOT the first person to do that... Look up Nicholas Alkemade and Alan Magee! Both jumped out of burning airplanes in WWII and survived!

  5. This is NOT a history making event! Back in WWII, a crewman on a bombing mission over Nazi
    occupied Europe made a simple calculation: Do I burn to death, or bail without a parachute?
    He jumped, thinking the least painful choice. His fall into a deep snow bank was slowed by
    hitting supple tree branches. While bruised from head to toe, he survived the fall. When
    captured by the German's, they verified his claim based on some aspect involving his gear.

    Hu jumped from 18 or 20 thousand feet!

  6. Helmet was to keep from scrambling his brain when he hit the net back-first.

  7. The helmet is for the clean up crew. Makes their job easier.

  8. Next time, taught piano wire.

  9. Isn't the whole thing just for looks, not just the helmet? Once he hit terminal velocity, it just made the trip take longer, didn't add anything to the risk - except maybe made finding the target a little bit harder.

    As for danger, you can get killed falling from 200 feet, so going to 20,000 doesn't really add much there, either.

    Flaming waste of time.

  10. Hi Irish,
    'Nothing new here, move along!! The Jump (Stunt) is a take off on the old jump with out a parachute and one of your buddies gives you one in freefall, you snap it on and pull the "Ripcord!!" Rod Pack did it back in the early 60's....one of my late buddies, Don (SCR-007)Hederson was one of the camera men on the dive.....I have a copy of the film-now on video of it that Don gave me!! Back in the late 70's Jimmy Tyler did a no chute jump only he had a harness with extended straps on it that he flew up to one of the Camera men and hooked himself to rings on his harness..(The sequence is on one of Norm Kent's early films---'forget which one right now??). Either of these two or "Aikins" the similarity is it is a "Don't F#(& it up" situation or "You gonna' look like a well done chiliburger!!!!" (Remember "Honeymoon in Las Vegas!!).... Anybody for "Bungee jumping???" Really, any skydive you make is a "No Chute Jump" until you "Pull a Ripcord and the Chute 'WORKS!!!!!!!'" Fortunately, Parachute Technology "Has Come a long way Baby!!" from the Bailing wire and bubblegum Barnstorming daze!!......Go to your local Dropzone, sign up for the "First Jump Course" and say you want to jump a "Performance Deigns---'Valkyrie' 67".........
    Blue Skies-----Black Death!!!!!!,


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