Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mmmmmm Saturday Breakfast Suggestion.....


  1. The bacon, yes. Those eggs, no. Scrambled or fried is the only way they're done around here. And where's the grits?

  2. Yeah, add grits and biscuits and it's good to go! :-D

    1. I wish, here in CA it's potatoes or fresh fruit and choice of bread, which includes biscuits. My favorite part about going to Georgia is grits with my breakfast (never saw hashbrowns on the menu) and biscuits that taste like Grandma made them. Good to see you appreciate what you got.

    2. It would also probably have avocado in CA. At least that is what I remember when I lived there.

      As for the Eggs, how do you cook an egg that looks like that? I usually get them over easy, but trying to get a perfect looking egg like that needs some trick I have not figured out yet.

    3. You're spot on about the avocado (guacamole). Don't know how I forgot the refritos, tortillas de maiz underneath, chorizo, and salsa on top. I'm not a very good Alto Californian.

  3. And we were outta eggs this morning.


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