Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Alabama Woman Who Joined ISIS Wants To Come Home

There are several oxy-morons in this story. First of all, I really do not believe this woman was an Alabamian. If she was and if she was an American citizen, would joining ISIS for the purpose of becoming an enemy combatant not make her a traitor? Listen in the second video (see link below) as her attorney Hassan Shibly and Ashfaq Taufique, president of the Birmingham Muslim Society tell how this woman has realized her wrong, repented, and should be allowed to return (my first thought was "are you shitting me?). I bet some lefty commiecrats will soon jump on the bandwagon and lobby for her return. I for one do not want to take a chance that this woman might aid other ISIS fighters, detonate herself in some busy restaurant, or drive a U-haul truck into a crowd of people at some street corner. This story reminds me of an old Cherokee proverb where a young boy picks up a snake and later cries and moans when the snake bites him. The snake's simple reply to the boy was "well, you knew I was a snake when you picked me up".

                                                                                                             Click here for more on this story.


  1. Do NOT let ISIS BITCH back into this country. At best GITMO. BUT I think that is a waste of money myself. Aside from a bullet in the back of the head (another waste of money) and a hole in the desert. I think she needs to made an example of to preclude this type of action in the future. Since she prefers the medieval time period to the modern era. I have a few suggestions. Boiled alive in boiling oil (a waste of oil) drawn and quartered using four wheelers driven by combat vets instead of horses. The rack (pull until the arms and legs are pulled off). The ISIS method of burning alive in a cage is apropos. Any other suggestions?

  2. British press has been running this story about several women wanting to "come home". This is their thing now. Without press coverage, none of us would know that these psychos are still alive.
    They arent our problem. They are ISIS caliphate problem. Or Syrian problem, or Iraq's problem. Or Kurds problem. I have total confidence in their ability to sort it out. She is performing a valuable service to society as a lesson to others. Jihad is stupid. Don't do it.


  3. Fuck her and her little dog too....not just no, but hell no....stay where you are, traitor....

  4. ONE wintry day a Woodman was tramping home from his work when he saw something black lying on the snow. When he came closer he saw it was a Serpent to all appearance dead. But he took it up and put it in his bosom to warm while he hurried home. As soon as he got indoors he put the Serpent down on the hearth before the fire. The children watched it and saw it slowly come to life again. Then one of them stooped down to stroke it, but the Serpent raised its head and put out its fangs and was about to sting the child to death. So the Woodman seized his axe, and with one stroke cut the Serpent in two. “Ah,” said he,

    - Æsop

  5. They say she was on social media when she got over there, saying stuff like, "I see Aussies and Brits, where are my American brothers?". Plus trying to get American mooslims to rent trucks to drive into crowds.

    Treason. Electric chair. Case closed. Waste of power, but a much bigger waste to keep her alive in jail. Bullet to the back of head? I'll provide the round.

  6. Yes, Yes, Yes
    This is what winning looks like from a President who doesn't support our enemies

  7. I see a common theme from the comments.

    Works for me.

  8. Hell NO Alabama doesn't want her. send her to Germany

  9. That's so true, Jeffery. I wish more people had the common sense that we seem to share in Alabama & other "flyover" states. She needs to accept the responsibility for the choice she made when she left the U.S. to give aid and support to our enemies.

  10. You want to come "home"? You are "home". Phuck Yew!

  11. Stu Garfath, Australia.December 26, 2019 at 8:28 PM

    Wipe her and all like her as the dirty arses they are!.


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